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replied 1844d
Replacing one god for another is not atheism. Either way it doesnt make atheism the basis of socialism so much as the elimination of private property rights is the basis for socialism.
replied 1844d
TBH I don't think any socialist ever considered their government to be litteral gods. The highest form of authority yes but gods I don't think so.
replied 1844d
TBH I think most Christian's and Muslims do not consider their God a highest authority. It seems most people just do it because everyone else is doing it. Only extremists are believers
replied 1844d
Well, you clearly have shown your complete ignorance on the subject. Congrats!
replied 1843d
You like to make such bold declarations, yet you can never back them up.
replied 1843d
You should begin to read both the Bible and the Qur'an if you want to have a credible opinion on them both and have meaningful discussion. It's kinda of obvious you haven't.
replied 1843d
I have... you have yet to make one single argument to support your views. Try making sense, it might help.
replied 1843d
lol yeah sure. You don't even know their main talking points so how am I supposed to believe you?
replied 1843d
I do not reduce my knowledge to only talking points.