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1287d · Bring Trump Here?
They only things tey can sensor here are images & videos. That's what's so great about memo! DA... !!
replied 1287d
Did you know the Internet in general was put forward as "uncensorable" back in the day? I believe that if memo gets big, it can and will be censored.
replied 1287d
There are evil groups, that want to control our world & have. They've become so obvious lately because they're losing control. People are waking up. They're panicking - desperate ;)
replied 1287d
Oh really? They are losing control, so they cannot even maintain an unprecedented 1 year lockdown of the whole world... Oh wait, they can and just did. And Trump? He was supporting it.
replied 1287d
He had no choice. Some things are too big to fight. Choose battles that CAN win. He did what 'te doctors' sad. People too gripped by fear. Truth mixed with lies for this subject....
replied 1287d
I am sorry, I get the feeling that you just extrapolate on the QAnon "trust the plan" claim. "Since he did x that looks bad, there must be a hidden 6D chess reason it's good"
replied 1287d
Basically, there were too many broken promises from Trump, and too much of his narcissist bully self coming through that I can bring myself to believe he is a messiah figure.
replied 1287d
He DID keep more promises than any President in history BY FAR. What promise did he break that broke your heart? He's not God. Q team said there was a plan but also that adjustments
replied 1287d
are made because you can't control everything. Da. People that think 'the plan' is unchanging or something out of a cheesy movie believe so because they want to. Made it not scary.
replied 1287d
"Broke my heart"? Oh come on. I knew Trump was a bully before he became president. It became clear very early that he didn't care about truth too. A real broken promise: "drain swamp"
replied 1287d
As for "not being god", Q set stuff up with promises of mass arrests and so on, and "we never make mistakes in tweets/Q dumps" (paraphrased). When they then made mistakes, and mass
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arrests didn't happen, it was quite clear that this was not real at all, it was propaganda. An endless stream of excuses that they have to change stuff was very telling.
replied 1287d
This is similar to religious movements, in that people are given big promises and told to believe, and as predictions come out false, excuses are made and people accept them
replied 1287d
for psychological reasons. Typically they build so much of their lives on the promises that they start to make up excuses for their messiah. I have seen this first hand.
replied 1287d
I'm different than most Q followers. They were discouraged b Q team not to be obsessive. Almst nothing is black and white. Trump has faults but he was the best tool they had &.....
replied 1287d
He's not a doctor, he knew people wouldn't listen when already stupified by fear. + Other than travel bans from other countries, he left it up to each state to make their own rules.
replied 1287d
Does Operation Warp speed ring a bell? He could have stood up against the censorship too. Said something like free speech is a must especially in times of crisis.
replied 1287d
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES"
replied 1287d
Silver lining... the corruption was so OBVIOUS in all parts of Gov. ppl have to be very hypnotized to not notice it. TRULY unifying A LOT of ppl. From 60% to 80% or more.
replied 1287d
And then they say, "but the corona crisis demands that we wait juuust a little longer before we do something, full opening will happen VERY SOON, wait only a bit longer!"
replied 1287d
And the initial 14 days to flatten the curve is in its second year, and nothing special has happened, and most people still believe the official narrative, even as it keeps fluctuating
replied 1287d
Trump was cheated and then betrayed by all the wrong people. But something tells me there will still be justice for the 2020 takeover & fraud. Although late... :( ....
replied 1287d
So he wasn't able to do anything substantial as president. But as censored ex-president, he'll save us all! Hallelujah! Sorry I just don't see it.
replied 1287d
He did A LOT of good that cannot be undone by Biden. Most importantly, woke ppl up to how corrupt the Government is. All parts of it. Not all pple though. Fear & despair make us dumb.
replied 1287d
He also enranged the feminist/PC/LGBTXXX/BLM/woke/... part of the population, so they now are even more motivated to fight common sense and realism on their way to self annihilation.
replied 1287d
And the "lot of good", if you say so. I don't see it, partly because of the aforementioned enrangement. But I am not sufficiently interested to try to investigate Trumps "total score"
replied 1287d
So does anger though. You shouldn't be angry with the imperfect man that took a huge demotion on his life to do all that he could to help a doomed country. Brilliant but not perfect.
replied 1287d
Anger? I feel rather indifferent about Trump. Just another politician with just another false narrative of being the best thing since sliced bread, albeit in a more "blatant lie" way
replied 1287d
It's not over yet. He didn't LIE, he did best he could against a VERY big deep swamp. The supreme court was compromised by at least one evil judge. 1 has been exposed. Exposure IS....
replied 1287d
THE most important thing. Nothing can change for better without exposure. THAT he did a lot of, liberating us with truth. It's a process. An imperfect one too. ...
replied 1287d
I do personally believe he will be President again and second half is even better. To say he didn't do a great job though means you really haven't been paying attention or.....
replied 1287d
have cursed yourself by deciding to put your attention on negative. You're pretending to be a realist, but you're too jaded by negative to see reality., Reality is BOTH good & bad.
replied 1287d
A true born again Trumpstian if I ever saw one. I will start to take you seriously when Trumps social media surpasses FB/Twitter and Cov-19 is treated intelligently.
replied 1287d
This guy is not one the Q crazies & he doesn't think Trump is secretly real President lol. He's an actual realist patriot.
replied 1287d
Educated on a lot about how stuff actually works in Government & informative. No hype.
replied 1287d
I don't know if that's his plan that's just what the rumor is. Just started this whole conversation with "IF he were to do that he'd be very successful. I don't care if he does.....
replied 1287d
OK about the "IF", I'll also start taking you seriously when we are again free from Cov19 craze/other excuses for being unfree and the Q mass arrests have been done.
replied 1287d
fair. Why should we take anyone seriously? Seriously though lol
replied 1287d
But I seriously doubt he's done though. Lie you pointed out - he didn't finish what he promised. If you look more into the stuff he said before he decided to run, you'll see....
replied 1287d
It BUGGED him to see what the Government and the banks were doing. He was asked to run because they knew he had the know how in taking them down. ...
replied 1287d
Do some research into the major elites that turned into the monopoly financial systems for the world & more. It goes all the way back further than the Titanic 'crash'....True evil.
replied 1287d
Trump may have a big mouth and flaunting ego, but he was quiet about taking THEM down because they are the core of everything. Hillary & Obama were just puppets. Pee-ons, slaves.
replied 1287d
I've recently learned about how financial stuff works. That, plus what he's done... I KNOW that's what he was doing. Honestly he got us to the point where we don't need him.
replied 1287d
The banks are headed for destruction & we have his clever ass to thank for that. They've controlled media, pharma, & education far too long stocks. Now about to die. :)
replied 1287d
He said he was giving the country back to the ppl & that's what he did by giving us a fighting chance and waking up a bunch of ppl. All of us are responsible for our country. Not 1 man
replied 1287d
Q promised to fix elections for all future. A dumb promise, but it was made. So many broken promises, but this time, this time will be different. I can see it is futile to repeat this
replied 1287d
I didn't say that. I DID say he WAS the best President we ever had. Faults and all. He's not God! I don't agree with everything he's done, but I was anti-patriotic before he came.
replied 1287d
I believe you did indicate he will save us all. Q Anon made huge promises, Trump promised to win until people got tired of winning. He promised to drain the swamp. I do not see it.
replied 1287d
What I have seen of Trump beyond the aforementioned stuff, is someone who always puts a self-serving spin on everything, and who is quite OK with lying. Not someone trustable.
replied 1287d
It's simply how memo works. The beautiful part is, now that it's been done and info about how TO DO it makes it to where for pretty cheap almost anyone can build another one. ;)
replied 1287d
replied 1287d
Yea, I know all about the common misconception that it is "impossible" to censor memo. All but a state approved version of memo can be made illegal. New versions can too.
replied 1287d
They can make drugs illegal too. Hope they don't do that. You know what the penalties were for participating in the black markets in USSR were? Yet people did.
replied 1287d
Drugs are a nuisance. True free speech/money something else entirely. But even more important: It is generally far easier to track packets electronically than to track physical stuff.
replied 1286d
They'll definitely try. I'm hoping it will be too late by then.
replied 1287d
Small potatoes stuff like memo now? Who cares. But "main stream" social platform? Then Joe Sixpack has to be able harden his home computer setup (weak endpoint) to resist NSA
replied 1286d
Not to mention willing to endure the hazzle it means, instead of just using FB for his cat movies. Also, it is not enough that NSA cannot break into his rig, they must not know there
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is something hidden there. Cause if they do, they can come to his house and take him down. If it is seriously illegal, that would mean prison for poor mr Sixpack.
replied 1287d
Also, blockchain is SAID to be uncensorable, but this claim has not been put to the test. It is actually likely quite possible. Stuff is impossible until it isn't.
replied 1287d
You are correct that more work needs to be done to harden the network I think. Make sure it can't be easily filtered at the network level. Something like TOR.
replied 1287d
It may be that simple hardening is sufficient, but I doubt it. The social aspect of this has not been tested under pressure. What if miners find more profit on state sanctioned chains?
replied 1286d
Miners are definitely a weak point in the system.
replied 1287d