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sent · 4,827 sats 1593d
Are you Ignis, Vidteks? Or is that a different individual?
replied 1593d
As far as I can tell we should be treating both Vidteks and Ignis as the same person.
replied 1593d
Im Vidteks... Ignis is now accountable for CC airdrops
Uther Pendragon
replied 1593d
Okay so you are not this Ignis individual as well?
replied 1593d
Ignis now handles Airdrops for CC
replied 1593d
Great, thanks for not giving me a straight answer. I don't care about money or airdrops.
replied 1593d
Can we not fight for once? I know ur kinda pissy right now, but if you could chill and see that im not trying to fuck you guys over that would be great!
replied 1593d
Im not Ignis. Im Vidteks!!!