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1023d · ELON MUSK 🏴‍☠️
Joël Valenzuela Is A Loser That Spies On Peoples Browsing History.
replied 1021d
replied 1023d
Sounds nice on surface, but on a deeper level it sounds quite delusional (or deliberately misleading) assuming his plan does not rely on removal of all states to make a one world govt:
replied 1023d
Suppose I have citizenship in Australia, I work in USA and I post something while being in Finland on vacation. Whose laws are supposed to govern this post?
replied 1023d
Twitter and the like are global companies, their business model is based on presenting a space that is semi independent of countries and their laws.
replied 1023d
There will of course be posts that give Twitter lots of headache because of differing laws, and what they will soon realize that even when they do a great job of juggling these things
replied 1023d
someone in one of these countries will make an opposite judgement (often being at fault for that sake), and it will just be a huge money drain.
replied 1023d
replied 1023d
"These new rules are designed to protect internet users" I suppose there are simpletons who think that, but of course the opposite will be the reality, it will stifle free speech.