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replied 2102d
What do you mean exactly? Doing something special with the OP_RETURN messages "" ?
replied 2102d
that the transactions have not been showing on txstreet or txhighway.
Brendan said he was in conversation with you to look at making them visible.
replied 2102d
Was never contacted about this. But I'm testing it and they seem to all be showing? I'm only counting though, I can compare tx hashes later.
replied 2102d
thanks, focus now is on scripts running smoothly. As they sharpen up we'll be able to get more accurate feedback on sending tests and seeing the results.
replied 2102d
FYI my aim, party for BCH 1st b'day with screen showing txstreet @txnblaster reply/like pushes txns thru,
people can see cause/effect
replied 2102d
correction, not ALL of the transactions