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1172d · Wallstreetbets
Seems like half WSB want to squeeze silver, and half want to pump their GME hodlings. With all out disinformation civil war going on.
replied 1172d
WSB does not want to squeeze silver, silver bugs want to squeeze silver and the flood to WSB to spam.
replied 1172d
Welcome to, GME baghodler!
replied 1172d
But thanks for the welcome, this is where we hold our BCH bags in solidarity!
replied 1172d
I am not a GME bagholder, lol. I can't even afford to buy a single GME stock.
replied 1172d
maybe silver bag holders started this fud then the msm media went with it to confuse the noobs?
replied 1172d
I prefer the silver moon
replied 1172d
* BUT! Physical Silver is going to moon, just like all precious metals and high-quality cryptos, as the US continues its all-out war on the Dollar's purchasing power. Day of recokining
replied 1172d
* No matter how many brigades try a short squeeze, pro players with Series 7 (and above) have the $$$ and skillz to play them, especially now the pros know the new players in the game
replied 1172d
* Disinformation warfare is the new normal. Not going away in our lifetimes. People are going to have to learn to think for themselves, or watch their societies get rekt
Magic Internet Money 1F81u5
replied 1172d
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