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| implement CashID functions into their services/wallets with ease. CashID allows users to sign-in to supported websites by just signing a message with their private key.

Flipstarter| Support

Much like how Electron Cash has the Flipstarter plugin, Flipstarter support within bitcoincashj itself will allow for users using wallets based on bitcoincashj to make| pledges with those wallets.

Schnorr Multisig Support

Currently only normal inputs in a standard bitcoincashj wallet are signed with Schnorr. Multisig wallets still use ECDSA| signatures. If this Flipstarter is completed, then multisig wallets can have the ability to use Schnorr signatures in their multisig inputs.
Past Flipstarter

I ran my first| Flipstarter a few months ago, and it was a success. It was fully funded, with 4 goals:

Rewritten SLP integration
More examples in bitcoincashj for developers to reference
| Memo protocol support within the library
bitcoinj backports

All of these tasks have been completed, but since backports have no set "completion" stage, currently all upstream| changes have been merged in as of November 17, 2020. I will continue to merge in upstream fixes and improvements as they come in.

On top of those 4 goals, I also worked on several| other features/changes since the Flipstarter completed:

Schnorr signatures
Testnet4 support
Scalenet support
aserti3-2d support
Multisig wallet| creation
BIP47 improvements and optimizations

So more was accomplished than advertised in the original Flipstarter.

Tasks such as the aserti3-2d implementation also helped| other Java developers such as the guys over at Software Verde implement the ASERT DAA into Bitcoin Verde for the November 2020 Bitcoin Cash upgrade. My knowledge of writing the| aserti3-2d DAA also helped BCHD get their ASERT implemention working:

The current repository for| bitcoincashj is: