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1118d · Bitcoin Cash

My full node
now trying to follow OP_RETURN transactions
...after Noise.Cash.
When Kim.Dot.Com et al brings it on
reading the chain may get more intense.
replied 1090d
Is this the reason has no activity after then or am i misreading it?
replied 1090d
Yes - I am preparing to pull it all down,
There seems to be no way to do this without a full node,
and BCHD seems to be too fragile.
When it crashes resync + etc is unbearable.
replied 1118d
Brave guy with the camera. Motor started jumping in his direction, danger of it spitting out something very hard in his direction, what does he do? Turns camera to get engine in focus.
replied 1118d
I was thinking of the cars in the background. Somebody was taking an expensive risk.