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Anarchist is just a butthurt fascist who isn't able to impose his will on others
replied 1884d
....says the Statist Vision shill and Faketoshi bootlicker.
replied 1884d
While O do not care for anarchism myself, it is wrong to pretend they are just wannabe fascists. Well, maybe some of the AnComs might be... The AnCaps at least make some sense.
replied 1884d
I never said that. They are anarchists only until they can power grab. And don't need to take it literally for everyone either.
replied 1884d
To dat they are fascists may go a bit far though. Better to just sya they are people since most people are corrupt when they come into power. Often with good intentions.
replied 1884d
Yeah... it is just a more provocative way to say "the same" what you stated but in a more trigger friendly fashion.
replied 1884d
Like Roger whining how r/bitcoin is not about free speech, while he only cares because he is not in control of it as he uses same practices to censor people from r/btc.
replied 1884d
You know the mod logs of r/btc are public, and we can see that r/btc does not have the censorship that r/Bitcoin does. The censorship began long before the BCH fork was discussed.
replied 1884d
Not the same amount of bans, but clear agenda to get rid of BCH unaligned people using false claims. Also using bots to downvote everything.
replied 1884d
No, that is wrong. Lots of anti BCH people in r/btc. Again the public logs show this is untrue. The communist bots. Why assume it is bots, instead of just an active sub?
replied 1884d
I have experienced it personally and seen it with at least 10 people before. The thing is they don't complain as much, you know their house their rules, but hypocrisy is strong here.
replied 1884d
Like how easily jealous partners tend to be more likely to cheat. They know they could easily cheat, and assume that of their partner.
replied 1884d
I do find that when people are quick to dislike a flaw in people it is sometimes because that flaw exists within hem, and makes them assume it is in others.
replied 1884d
You would fit well into the #CultOfCore, you little piece of shit. :)
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1884d
You shud have more respect for a man whos work made ur posts on memo possible
replied 1885d
He is a hypocrite.
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1884d
says a low effort troll lol, last post to u, anarchy means to live without rulers.
replied 1884d
I tend to agree about that because in Bangkok meet he publicly uttered that he prefers not to split while privately I am sure he was already plotting a quick break.
replied 1884d
Sure sherry, your feelings are more credible than Roger, the guy who has been supporting Bitcoin longer than anyone here.I'm sure he wanted a contentious split to his preferred fork /s
replied 1884d
And he doesn't really care about censorship. He cares it's not him who has the power to steer agendas.
replied 1884d
Ans it's not censorship. Reddit channel is essentially a "property" and owner can set his own rules there. Roger wants to sit on your sofa and set his rules like a baby fascist.
replied 1884d
He uses every opportunity to spread how r/bitcoin is not fair and is using censorship which is unacceptable for bitcoin, and then he does the same with r/btc. Power grabbing fool.
replied 1884d
This is just a blatant lie.

Ver allows open discussion and keeps mod logs open.

Are you paid to smear or just mentally retarded?
replied 1884d
I'm thinking he may actually be retarded at this point, all he does is lie. I've even tried to ask him to explain his beliefs or sell me on SV, but he just insists on misleading people
replied 1884d
You and eye1 tend to make similar frequent typos, and parrot a lot of the same off-topic issues and already-refuted arguments. Seems a bit suspicious, or are SV fans just unoriginal?
replied 1884d
Anarchism = fascism? Lol there's really no bounds to your stupidity, I'm not sure what you *do* understand at this point. Unless you enjoy being a clown just to imitate "daddy Craig"
replied 1884d
Simple... as anarchist can't win being a fascist due to a lack of character, he wines how world is not fair and oppress him. Unless he is able to power grab and then reveals himslef.
Bitcoin Cash Activist
replied 1884d
Anarchist means to live without rulers.
replied 1885d
Tribalism. Capitalism requires law which protects mans natural rights. Like free speech and property rights.
replied 1884d
The best definition of anarchy I came across is by Chomsky: Any form or domination and authority has a burden of proof to bear
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1883d
Anarchists have no win condition.
replied 1884d
BCH supporters at the moment when they had to compete on a free market and win, rather submitted to checkpointed dictatorship to a single developer who has a little trace of leadership
replied 1885d
with no charisma and leadership skills... the moment he obtain those (very rarely), anarchist just become a regular fascist.