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replied 1100d
Dr. Uther 1MBFpC
And if thy are a hunter in an arctic climate where housing means immediate life/death and field crops are a mere dream, thy should throw thy bible in the fire and get some real beliefs
replied 787d
It's not that hard too make a shelter and; Research studies suggest that hunter-gatherers work somewhere between 20 and 40 hours a week, so you are a dumbass atheist.
replied 787d
replied 794d
This guy is a book burning commie fuck face bitch.
replied 915d
This guy is a commie, he believes in book burning.
replied 915d
Only a fool would consider an obvious joke like this to be the same as serious belief in book burning, especially when it has been pointed out in a different thread that it was a joke
replied 915d
replied 941d
Go fuck yourself.
replied 1100d
Europe and Russia are both really cold. Are you talking about the Eskimos???
replied 1100d
I struggle to see how any answer to this question will quench your anger.
replied 1099d
You can't answer the question because your previous point is invalid.
replied 1099d
Are you just angry because I put Christianity down? There is indeed a point behind what I thought of as a light joke, which is that the proverb seems to be far from 100% true.
replied 1099d
I am not angry, but I should be because you are encouraging people too burn books.
replied 1099d
A proverb is just a perceived truth, it's basically an opinion.
replied 1099d
That covers "proverb", but not "joke". Anyway, it still seems to me people for some reason got very angry about this, and that nothing I say can change that.
replied 1099d
Still, the "couldn't answer" question is about a race, when I was talking about an area (, which btw Europe/Russia is mostly outside