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Ran across this project today:

Saw a video about it here:

Pretty neat way to communicate with a group without surveillance (though not sure how susceptible
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This one is pretty cool too, probably much easier to intercept though
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it is to jamming.) Could be a good way for groups who are exercising their rights to do so despite governments trying to stop them. We need to get these systems in place now, not wait
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till they are necessary to deploy them, it might be too late then. Furthermore, governments will try to make possession of the devices at all illegal, so techniques need to be
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developed to obfuscate them, and be able to kill them quickly when authorities come to find them so they can't be sniffed out by their emissions. Apps used to communicate with devices
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need plausible deniability. Perhaps encrypted partitions that look like just unused space. Also, it would be great to get crypto TXs to transmit over these meshes as well. Then not
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only will you be able to converse freely, but transact freely, regardless of your status or any requirements of permission from governments.