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1370d · Politics
Sucks how this community has devolved to this level. It's just crack pots and conspiracy theorists making BCH look bad.
replied 1370d
Politics is by definition a conspiracy. You realize that, right?

To conspire is to work together in secret. Politics is just peopleworking together in secret and then making a public
replied 1370d
silentsam is a troll, you realize that, right? Trolling for the official narrative.
replied 1370d
It is not trolling to give real facts to conspiracy theorists. I often do this more for conspiracy theories I fell for when I was young.

9/11 Truthers especially.
replied 1370d
| stance on it, usually too dishonest to reflect the actual underlying conversations and actions that actually took place.

All of politics is just a bunch of conspiracies.

replied 1370d
|y theorists" is just a euphemism used by statists to degrade people who point out that the political elite are dishonest, malicious, and actively conspire together.

replied 1370d
| on your unapolegetic fascist-esque statism.
RadTadd 1F8pBM
replied 1370d
What are you trying to say . the earth is flat? Lol. 😂
replied 1370d
Seems half the people here think so. Also probably the reptilian alien conspiracies, covidiot conspiracies, climate change denier, and 9/11 Truthers. All the usual nut bag stuff