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Why can't people just be real with each other? #dailymemo
replied 1987d
Bred to be fake and dumb.
replied 1987d
And you are born sociopath and sick, society is fine, individuals like you spread fake philosophy like a disease. We are all better without freaks like you.
replied 1987d
"society is fine"

replied 1987d
Yes, majority of us are decent, honest and loving people. The sick moronic fucks like you are the ones who are the problem. Take your philosophy of destruction and shove it.
replied 1987d
So how do we break the cycle?
replied 1987d
Shoot all sociopaths to Mars and enjoy nice life on Earth.
replied 1987d
I doubt we can. We are way past the point of no return.
replied 1987d
Every point is point of no return. It can always only go forward. It never goes back. The only question is how to shape the future.
replied 1987d
I meant point of no return, as not having any chance to improve the situation.
replied 1987d
There is always a chance to improve the situation. Always.
replied 1987d
Math, game theory, historical precedents, logic and observations are not in the favour of this opinion. 🤪
replied 1987d
Mathematics speaks for it right now. There is never a zero chance. There is only one chance proximity zero.
replied 1987d
Yeah, hope is comforting and 7bn is a big number to comprehend. 😅
replied 1987d
There is only a very small chance to win a jackpot in the lottery, but people win again and again.
replied 1987d
True only in your head. Human species is not here bc of negative trend. That is a sociopathic delusion.
replied 1987d
Go get your meds, Asshatria.
replied 1987d
Go fuck yourself pussyshit! I am not leaving sick brain like yours to spout poison.
replied 1987d
I disagree.
replied 1987d
It's a numbers game. Look around yourself and see how many people have a strong political affiliation, how many follow any religions, how many worship the state...
replied 1987d
It's kind of depressing, but it's inevitable (and on-going for a long time) that the retards out-breed intelligent humans.
replied 1987d
I agree most people are followers that have been sedated. But I believe they can be awakened if they are shown that just going with the flow is no longer acceptable.
replied 1987d
Nobody's sedated. It's sociopathic MINORITY like him who wants to eat system from the inside. Only reason why we even hear this, bc they advertise it as a gospel. We're fine w/o them.