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223d · Dance and music
Giveaway! Everyone gets the same. Sponsored by the Dance and music project at #danceandmusictokens #Donatellotokens #fun #relaxation
replied 223d
Hoping to its success, and more investors to come!
replied 223d
What is Mintme?
replied 223d
It's a blockchain-powered crowdfunding platform that allows creators, entrepreneurs and individuals to raise funds for their projects and initiatives through tokenized crowdfunding.
replied 223d
You will receive 10 Dance and music tokens if you use,
Have a nice day!
replied 223d
I registered but it requires a phone number... I will do it when I am in my country, since I am taking a trip and I use Holafly eSIM, I do not have a landline mobile number
replied 223d
Where is your coin on cauldron gone young lady? Scam done? 😂😂😂
replied 222d
I never added it to cauldron, remember that it is a DEX and anyone can add or subtract liquidity...
replied 222d
$SATOSHINK is a boom in my community, I don't need to scam anyone and almost everyone in cauldron is going to steal satoshis
replied 222d I have over 195,000 of them in one account and I don't know how many more...
replied 222d
I hope to be able to add liquidity so that at some point they can change their tokens. For now I use them in my tattoo shop and they can be exchanged for services.
replied 222d
so if you like tattoos you can come to Tèrragona Spain and spend them hehe
replied 222d
I can add some liquidity on Cauldron if you want but I need to know what price I should place. How many Satoshis for one token?
replied 222d
Understood anything Donatello sir? 😁😁😁
replied 222d
10,000 tokens should cost $1. Cauldron can lose value due to bots that steal satoshis and many people already have $SATOSHINK... soon we will burn 25%. do it discreetly
replied 222d
... in another account. If it wasn't you to add them to Cauldron, do you think a member of your community must have added some liquidity and then remove it?
replied 222d
Yes I suppose, even on Tapswap they had and eliminated them. I created my token to reward my Tattoo community not to steal from anyone. always DYOR
replied 222d
Would you tell me where I can trade them?
It's not a problem if I can't trade them.
Thank you!
replied 222d
My NFT collection is also coming out where you can purchase yours using $SATOSHINK. The idea is to give it utility, not steal the satoshis
replied 222d
for now in my store. We create software to deposit $SATOSHINK or convert to BCH but physically, you must be present.
replied 222d
At the end of the distribution it will be added to cauldron so that everyone who has tokens can change it
replied 222d
even you, I guess that's why questions to run and take the sats, you don't know what the tokens are for