It's a blockchain-powered crowdfunding platform that allows creators, entrepreneurs and individuals to raise funds for their projects and initiatives through tokenized crowdfunding.
I registered but it requires a phone number... I will do it when I am in my country, since I am taking a trip and I use Holafly eSIM, I do not have a landline mobile number
I hope to be able to add liquidity so that at some point they can change their tokens. For now I use them in my tattoo shop and they can be exchanged for services.
10,000 tokens should cost $1. Cauldron can lose value due to bots that steal satoshis and many people already have $SATOSHINK... soon we will burn 25%. do it discreetly
... in another account. If it wasn't you to add them to Cauldron, do you think a member of your community must have added some liquidity and then remove it?