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My account 'freetrader' has been banned by

I will donate any of my wallet funds from services that censor me, to organizations supporting BCH (ABC).
replied 1978d
Because ryan is all about censorship now! You’d think this was china
replied 1977d
Or r/Bitcoin 😂
replied 1977d
Don't kid yourself, China might be deep into censorship, but so are our own governments (for the most part). Very few places without it.
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1977d
Roger coin is censoring r/btc.
replied 1965d
I've read other people have a similar "spinning circle of infinity" problem with logging in to
replied 1844d
Wow! How did you get banned?
replied 1844d
He wrote a comment in a thread on Reddit where he openly threatened to ban "ABC cult members".
I decided to test that by writing a Yours post titled "Censorship is never OK".
Banned :)
replied 1844d
did you republish
"Censorship is never OK"
somewhere else ?
(so we can read it...)
replied 1844d
Oh, let me have a look. I'm pretty sure I didn't republish it - but I need to have a look since I'm sure I have it backed up, so I could republish it somewhere.
replied 1844d
replied 1844d
See, the internet hardly ever forgets. Not like me.
replied 1843d
Just to acknowledge the power of search:
and a reminder of why MEMO not Reddit:
replied 1844d
I'm going to drop some related Reddit links here to this insane episode in the Bitcoin Cash / Bitcoin SV drama history.
replied 1844d
Note: u/ryanxcharles has [deleted] a ton of comments in at least one the thread. I don't know of the best way to get that history back - maybe there is some site that can do it.
replied 1844d
replied 1844d
At this point I should state that Ryan later published an apology on the MoneyButton site, so it's water under my bridge.
I'm sure I'll find that apology blog post somewhere soon.
replied 1844d
Meanwhile, some more 'fallout' Reddit posts during this debacle.
replied 1844d
replied 1844d
replied 1844d
The Reddit post in which some of the banned (including myself) accept his apology
replied 1844d
That thread contains a screenshot by u/jessquit : which captures the original banning threat.
replied 1844d
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 1977d
Great, because roger is running out of money and jihan has hundred of millions in debts.
Plus nobody is buying his S15 miners because they wont make an roi
replied 1966d
I believe it is Calvin Ayre and his backers who are losing money fighting their 'hash war' and mining an unprofitable chain :-D SV mining profitability < BTC
replied 1966d
replied 1966d
It is currently 30.50% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin (BTC) chain (than on SV). Meanwhile, Calvin is partying it up.
replied 1966d
Oh, that's right!

Dump it!
replied 1965d
It is now 47.50% more profitable to mine on the Bitcoin (BTC) chain than on SV. Please consider your words may have repercussions!
replied 1965d
I hope so, dump it!
replied 1965d
I think the bigger problem is this split destroyed the crypto markets and who knows when, if ever, it will recover. If you add both BCH and BSV together, both have hit the shitpot.
Simon Van Gelder
replied 1978d