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replied 945d
MAybe best start over from scratch
and omit legislation and all that corruption.
Surely omit anyone and anything else unelected
replied 945d
The elites are very well positioned to own any new system. The masses will still be hypnotized. Will be super hard, even if getting over the first hurdle of them having the big guns.
replied 945d
Yes - Any 'new system' needs to be unownable.
'The masses' seem to be perpetually hypnotized.
As such, it may be best to design around that factor.
Defanging MSM+SM comes first.
replied 944d
I suppose this is where counter-economics becomes relevant. I may be misusing the term. Basically, don't seek "revolution", rather "evolution" of an alternative, start small.
replied 944d
This excellent article:
has 'economics' focus extended can replace institutions
replied 944d
Alternative media, alternative companies and so on, which are not subject to the law of the land. I have some ideas about this, but I am not sure it really can work.
replied 944d
First things first - there are permutations of sequences to choose from.
Crypto replaces fiat - in progress.
Next up are other components of tyranny
ranked by urgency*feasibility
replied 944d
One urgent need I suppose is Covid early treatment with stuff that the bad guys pretend is not working, and hospitals do not dare touch. Like what Pierre Kory recommends and so on.
replied 944d
Private hospitals paid by crypto and declaring themselves free from the tyranny W.H.O_U.N.
replied 944d
Yea, but it is a legal minefield. Legal fraud laws, medical fraud laws, illegal marketing, tax laws, ... . Even if you are provably perfect, you can be drowned in legal battles.
replied 944d
There are millons of localities where this can be done.
They are places where legislation has little traction.
Legal battles can become irrelevant when distance and costs prevail.
replied 944d
But a hospital need to be pretty close for convenience. Patient may need care fast, and may even be in no condition to travel.
replied 944d
Rural places in Africa, South and Central America,
and other locales where big-ticket hospital franchises cannot compete.
They prefer big city insurance money, not crypto.
replied 944d
Also, people who seem quite willing to let millions die in order to get a bit richer, do you trust that they will not be willing to kill a few key people here and there?
replied 944d
They will indeed kill :
many assassinations are underway now and will continue
but the day shall come when self-defense becomes a 'household term' again.
replied 944d
People are being fired for not taking the "vaccine". I have been thinking that some of those are likely interested in a job "for the other side", even if steady pay is not guaranteed
replied 944d
That could become a job qualification
replied 944d
After all, the bad guys are watching this stuff, and if the masses need to be able to use it, the bad guys will be able to study it. And they do not play nice. Laws are for us not them
replied 944d
Discussing in the open is what they do - very few people pay any attention.
This can work just as well in reverse:
frame discussions as "incrediblisms" addressing personal issues.
replied 944d
If this is gonna work (I don't know for sure it will) at least it is important to be "clean", as in no talk of violence/revolution and so on. Ghandi is a good role model I suppose.
replied 944d
Violence breeds Violents.
We must convince violents that
they have more productive things to do than waste time and resources
chasing shadows.
replied 944d
That doesn’t work with socio and psychopaths.

It is impossible to remove the influence of a violent entity with peaceful means.
replied 944d
To me, this is a complicated issue. There is danger of becoming what you fight if you use "their" tools. And I get the feeling your analysis while seemingly logical is too simplistic
replied 944d
A people get the government they deserve. I believe this has much to do with attitude and what they allow, and that if the people are properly against something, it cannot take root.
replied 944d
Some interesting trends in that regard:
Australia is obviously getting what people (I know there) want: Utter Totalitarianism.
Others seem ro be quietly slipping away from such.
replied 944d
And I am not so sure that violence is needed as long as the disease of accepting bad things is avoided. Or maybe some "violence as last resort" is needed, hard to know for sure.
replied 944d
Self-defense is a last resort should only be reverted to when there really is no other choice.
It is far more profitable to pre-emptively outwit violents than to play their games.
replied 944d
I have zero issue with
convincing sociopath tyrants and psyhopath tyrants
to consume themselves with violence against each other
while the rest of us observe from a safe disance
replied 944d
safe distance is non-existent if you're in the same country. Also all current governments are equally malicious.
replied 944d
Personally I seek to take this a step further and reach some kind of meditating monk state while still being firm. Stress on "seek". I do not pretend to have achieved this.
replied 944d
I continue to push offline. as well as online.
Such is a difficult concept to explain but I am getting nearer to the mark.
replied 944d
Maybe I split hairs too much here, but to me a finer point is that "pushing" itself is not perfect. Effortless action is my ideal. Whenever you push, you create some resistance.
replied 944d
I have been talking to people on the street. So easy to fall into old pattern of "quarrel" instead of being calm and letting things unfold and so on. And there is a simple reason.
replied 944d
Basically it takes much more skill to not come out as a fool when you have to be kind/respectful to opposition, even if he is not to you. So much so that a pattern is drilled into us.
replied 944d
I used the wrong word "push".
What I mean is pushing to find key points of leverage to revise the conversation from
obey/disobey into more of a "we have a better way coming".
replied 944d
Oh, I suppose you can disregard my other comment about "pushing" then. :)
replied 945d
My take would be, govt should be super small, and stay that way. Much more direct (as opposed to representative) democracy. And proper system for punishments for politicians.
replied 945d
Politicians today do not at all fear the wrath of the people when pushed by special interests to do evil, they should. Anyway, no system will stay un-corrupted indefinitely.
replied 945d
replied 945d
You misspelled "Misrepresentative".
Yes, all politicians should be punished every time they are caught making noises with their mouth.