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replied 2038d
Thanks for the feedback. Memo actions are tied to your address. Technically they're more pseudonymous than anonymous. I agree it would be good to have a better username than address.
replied 2038d
Memo needs a downvote button ;)
replied 2038d
I would take ignore user and ignore topic options over downvote 🤷‍♂️
replied 2038d
Good point I suppose. I just figured it would be a nice way for the community to “filter out” the garbage content. The post is never deleted just not as visible unless looked for.
replied 2027d
How about [angryface] or [sadface]?
replied 2037d
Hell no, this isn't Reddit. Threads and topics should be bumped based on replies and discussion, not based on whether you like it or not.
replied 2027d
Why not just have a down-thumb/vote or dislike that does nothing but display a number?
Allowing that would increase # of TXs.
People could Manually scan content based on it.
replied 2027d
You could, and you could even publish those to the blockchain. But the sites/apps that display the content may not honor it. For me, I’d rather not deal with voting.
replied 2027d
Honored? You mean display the dislikes? That's all they'd be "honoring".
replied 2027d
Correct. If a site uses the upvote/downvote system, another may completely ignore them.
replied 2027d
Ok, sure.
Is that a reason to not make one?