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How Bitcoin solves it:
- You earn your money through work, your pay your money to those who you feel provide you a good service.

How governments solve it:
- Take your money, give it to someone they feel should do it.
replied 1544d
If you live in a country where the government gives it to people who do a good job, let me know where you live.
I know of two results of where it ends up
- lowest bidder
- cousin/frens
replied 1544d
It falls increasingly to prison labor where I'm from. Probably comparable to ASICs in that they're mostly unpaid/unthanked

Most people where I'm from say that the military/law
replied 1544d
enforcement do a good job where I live though. However, their funding is mostly through black budgets so it's not transparent or verifiable whatsoever. Luckily a smart guy came up
replied 1544d
with a system that could change the world in that regard