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Have any of you used it yet?
replied 1892d
We are working on an update where the receiver can just scan a QR code to claim the funds rather than have to type in a URL.
replied 1892d
Hey, could you make a Twitter post linking to your Memo account to confirm this is the real Roger Ver.
replied 1892d
Roger messaged me on Twitter to confirm this is the real Roger Ver.
replied 1892d
Albert Eisten messaged me on Twitter to confirm this is the real Albert Einstein.
Just kidding. :D
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1892d
It would have been cool if roger got in and got a vehicle for the wacky racer race, even cooler if Albert got in on the action :-)
replied 1892d
How about: bitcoin cash bike race. But only uphill climbing, no descend.
replied 1892d
Cool, it has to be as simple as possible. When's the update coming?
replied 1892d
It's an interesting way to tip. Unfortunately, it hardly seems to be used.

replied 1892d
Just printed a few. Interesting.
replied 1892d
replied 1892d
I've used in once in the past. The person I gave it to was not interested and the tip was returned.
replied 1892d
Same happened to me, several times...
replied 1892d
How much tip did you give (how many bottles of beer could you buy for the tip in your country)?