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The Americans believe so much in liberty that they fly 1000s of miles to bomb the shit out of my reach and lock their own people for smoking a plant.
Thank Odin not all in US are like that
replied 1749d
I mean "bomb the shit out of my reich"
by the way, I sell Ron Paul tokens because I think the US people need some more of that man. Hopefully the USA stops bombing other countries.
replied 1749d
oh damn, ain't much changed the last decades. Looking at WO2 is like looking at Syria today
replied 1749d
Looking at China today is like looking at Hitler's Germany pre world war II... Just a whole lot more obvious and worse!
replied 1749d
*The American government.
replied 1748d
they are elected by majority of Americans just like I'm elected by the Germans and the opposition didn't revolt against me. Okay, I disarmed them but that was to prevent mass shootings