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1552d · Bitcoin Cash
I start to understand the #BitcoinSV guys when they criticized the direction #BitcoinABC was taking #BCH with for example #Avalanche. When they criticized it they said that it was introducing
replied 1552d
Proof of stake to BCH but at the time I refused it because the BCH devs said that they would do Avalanche voting based on POW. Then suddenly Jason Cox from ABC said they made it based
replied 1551d
I strongly disagree.
Just because Avalanche might be PoS, doesn't mean that BCH is not PoW. Avalanche is pre-consensus. Some sort of pre-consensus is needed for more efficient mempool
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syncronization (which helps future scaling massively) and 0-conf security. Also, regarding dynamic block size, that is still very much on the table. BUs ineptitude has nothing to do
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with it.
BSVs trajectory is a dead end. They ignore fundamental scaling problems, and they still haven't demonstrated that their approach can someday to sustained GB blocks.
replied 1552d
Let's hope it doesn't come to the next fork. That would be the end.
replied 1551d
Avalanche is a great idea. It will not be the end. It will what truly sets BCH apart from the other Bitcoin forks in a way that makes it bullitproof to 0-conf attacks and scaling.
replied 1552d
replied 1552d
It seems pretty sure it will come in at some point
replied 1552d
On POS. I was like "wtf just happened??". One of the other devs asked about but now no one is resisting it. How?? We were always agreeing that BCH should stay a POW coin.
replied 1552d
I was debating a lot with others about POS+POW a year ago, arguing in favour of it. I also advocating 1 minute block times and additional, Lyra2Rev2/3/3+ hashable blocks.
replied 1552d
Why are you in favor of POS+POW?
replied 1551d
1min blocks+POSv2+POW+SHA+lyra2revX = good and secure coin for spending, speculation, investment, both for home miners and both professional miners, node owners, merchants..
replied 1551d
with this, you basically onboarded the whole universe.
replied 1552d
Another thing is that the max blocksize is capped at 32MB and #BitcoinUnlimited's work on a dynamic cap based on previous blocks has stalled. Sorry to say this guys but I see...
replied 1552d
Disgusting things happening with BCH. It's very difficult and heartbreaking to admit this to myself but I have to be honest. It really doesn't feel good, the way we're heading at.
replied 1552d
Nobody cares so you shouldn't either. The concept of Bitcoin is not compatible with our level of intelligence.
replied 1552d
Ignorance is bliss.

No it isn't.
replied 1552d
And I have to admit that some people in the BSV community were right when they said that BCH would get proof of stake because this is happening right now through Avalanche.
replied 1552d
Even if Avalanche uses PoS that doesn't mean BCH uses PoS. If Avalanche is just a preconsensus algorithm working alongside PoS it shouldn't be an issue.

If I am correct about it.
replied 1551d
But it can give people with a lot of money and no investment in BCH's infrastructure the opportunity to double spend.
replied 1551d
How would that be possible? From my understanding it would not be possible with Avalanche.
replied 1552d
The good news is you can always switch your investment over to BSV. Good Luck.
replied 1552d
I'd rather just trade these assets for profit or not invest at all :)
replied 1552d
People are making too much of a big deal about the technology. As long as it's fast, cheap, and reliable, that's all that matters and what most people will care about.
replied 1552d
That's also true.
replied 1551d
Fast, cheap, reliable.... But only pick 2