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1598d · tokens
Member now creates a post when a new SLP token is created. You can up/down vote or comment on the new token. They are in the topic 'tokens',
replied 1598d
Token Recycler also includes a link to the Member discussion of the token.
replied 1597d
Is there any link to a brief overview of how the Token Recycler works?
I've either not heard about it before or forgotten, but it seems a useful tool!
replied 1597d
So each token output ties up a utxo dust of 546 sats - if you send them to a burn address, it costs a fee and still ties up a dust utxo. If you recycle them, it just amalgamates the
replied 1597d
utxos - if you have 10 token outputs you don't want, you can recycle them to a single 5460 utxo output.
replied 1597d
That much is clear to me, thanks - so one provides a return address, sends all the tokens to the site, and the site returns them minus a fee or something?
I seek a hi-level explanation
replied 1597d
The site requires your private key, it constructs the transaction and sends it back to the originating address.
replied 1597d
I see, thanks for the explanation.

It's personal choice, but I'll stick to the dictum of not putting my private keys into websites.
Accidents happen FAR too easily -> oops, wrong key.
replied 1597d
I understand, I've been careful about the security on it, but that's difficult to judge without a deep dive into the code.

Here's a workaround - download it, wrap it up as an .exe and
replied 1597d
call it an app ;) :D

Generally I'd like to see folks keep minimal balances on their Memo/Member accounts - but I think a comprehensive solution is delegated keys -
replied 1597d