Create account

replied 1531d

To double check:
1) open then go offline (opt.)
2) enter mnemonic phrases
3) choose BCH coin
4) choose BIP 32 tab
5) enter m/44'/0'/0'/0 (extra /0)
replied 1531d
That is EXTREMELY bad advise. That one STEALS funds!
replied 1531d
Hence why you go offline after the site loads. Duh.
replied 1531d
Ok, fair enough. But one should IMMIDIATELY after exposing the private key and get access to funds, move the funds to a new wallet.
replied 1531d
Yea.. if I can avoid typing my seed phrase on a website.. I will. Going to go a few different routes before I go there.
replied 1531d
Check if the addresses listed here matches the one in Electron Cash on iOS. If they are the same, then you did your Electron Cash setup correctly and we'd have to look deeper.