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is there a very cheap way to mine?
replied 1771d
replied 1771d
yes haha
replied 1771d
Stolen/hijacked hw/electricity.
replied 1771d
Buy an S5, probably less than $100. Join pool
Pkug it in, you are mining
replied 1771d
Not going to be profitable, but you will be mining
replied 1771d
sad haha
replied 1771d
How expensive is your electricity?
replied 1771d
Most of. Mine is very cheap, Canada or free not counting the infrastructure. I try to add wind, solar and micro hydro here. Adding slowly to use rnew SLP token. So I use S5 and s9's
replied 1771d
I think she's in Venezuela. Isn't electricity there very cheap?
replied 1771d
replied 1771d
Is your electricity cheap?
replied 1771d
not much
replied 1771d
No not really in a way that worth it
replied 1771d