I'm back.
There's something about writing on the chain that you don't get from tweeting or anywhere else.
I think people will wake up to Memo. To what it represents. It's like talking to God.
You get it now😊
Try out Member, it's sick.
Agree, though so far Twetch seems to be offering a far superior experience (except for making you sign up for Money Button and being SV-only).
I have been invited to try Twetch but I have no interest in that community.
You should try if for no other reason than to scout out competing services. It's not the message, it's the tool.
Yeah, I get it, but I just don't care to.
Give Member a try. It's pretty cool, uses the same protocol and it looks more like a forum/reddit than a Twitter.
I’ve used it. I should go back and try it out some more though.
The only thing is when I misspelled something and didn't proofread: then it gets preserved on the blockchain for eternity... 😅
grammarly plugin
And they even have them for iPhone and Android!
Thank you!
Talking to God or talking God 🤔