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944d · US Politics/Trump
White supremacists, Nazis and fascists aren't people they're an existential threat to humanity. Give them no quarter. Punch them until they stop being a threat. They deserve nothing else.
replied 944d
“[insert political opponents] aren’t people they’re an existential threat to humanity. Give them no quarters. Punch them until…”
replied 944d
I'd say Biden administration has done several things to show characteristics of Totalitarianism already ....
replied 944d
You want the Nazis fascists and white supremacists in charge for some reason?
replied 944d
definitely not. I want no one ‘in charge’. But supremacists/nazis/fascists are so inhuman precisely because they dehumanise their opponents.
replied 944d
Imagine being so unoriginal you resort to using the same playbook your philopshy is rooted in fighting against.We should study divide & conquer tactics that killed Occupy Wall street
replied 944d
If no quarter is given, none shall be received.
replied 944d
Well that's nice but they will definitely kill you so they become the people in charge so punching them until their brains are better is the safest route. You're not a human to them.
replied 944d
This capitalizes on the same primitive impulses observed in all movements: From from Branch Davidians to Mega Churches: The desire to be lead.
Having to think for yourself is scary.
replied 944d
Punch Nazis until they stop being Nazis or they will kill you. This is a lesson from history. Ignore it at your peril. Mock it due to your own ignorance. But sooner or later you'll see
replied 944d
I don't see any members of the Third Reich in America's streets. What's your criteria for a Nazi?
replied 944d
Look harder.
replied 944d
What's your criteria for a Nazi?
replied 943d
People that disagree with him and hate communism.
replied 944d
Have an example of one of the fascists with an example of them dehumanizing someone?
replied 944d
like 1935-1945 or something more recent?
replied 944d
yes, otherwise my attention will drift on, never to be curious again lol
replied 944d
The feds infiltrated antifa and leftist organizations the same way as the proud boys and patriot prayer. Did you think all those photographers documenting the protests were friends?
replied 944d
The government, owned and operated by the #fuckingcapitalists, doesn't want a better more fair society so if course they oppose the left. That's what fascists and protofascists do.
replied 944d
What's more important to you, someone shouting racially insensitive, trans-exclusionary language in the streets, or this...
replied 944d
Those 36 hour work weeks that don't provide benefits or a living wage do more to hurt the gay community, marginalized workers and people of color than Nazis or Fascists. Wake up.
replied 944d
The #fuckingcapitalists are the larval stage of fascism.
replied 944d
More intellectual laziness. Navigating life with a reasoned, intelligent thought process requires effort: In this case learning about folks individually, sans sociopolitical lens.