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Been away from the memo crowd for a few months. Can anyone give me the highlight reel? #dailymemo
replied 1462d
a wave of generosity followed by a wave of begging followed by a wave of anti-begging interspersed with shtposting, drama and a few new faces😀
replied 1462d
Welcome back! Hello from Canada.
replied 1462d
Any chance can rescue
replied 1462d seems Memo is no longer being used at all by any BSVers. Only BCHes now :-)
BSVers seem to have fled to Twetch, not there were that many to begin with here.
replied 1462d
I quit looking at adult content and incorporated more probiotics into my diet.
replied 1462d
Not many highlights. At least probably nothing you don't already know about.
replied 1462d
hey nice to meet you
replied 1445d
When you going to come up again on videos?
replied 1444d
Haha soon I hope. Been busy with the wallet team. Once we're caught up I'll have more time to drop in