Create account

replied 1866d
There are too many UTXOs at you address (398 UTXOs at the moment). Import your private key in electron-cash and send all your funds to yourself, it should solve the problem.Or maybe you can do the same thing directly from memo with the send function. I personally prefer electron-cash, it is cleaner.
replied 1866d
Thanx. I have already imported my private key into electron-cash several times and sent my funds back to memo, but I use memo so often that I have to do it more often.
replied 1866d
I've got 816 UTXOs at my BCH address🤣
replied 1866d
After this operation, your unsplitted colns will be splited.
replied 1866d
I splited allready my coins.
replied 1866d
Yes, but I assume he only uses BCH coins.