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replied 1707d
I guess it can be a form of self promotion. You pay to have your post sit in the "top" posts.
replied 1707d
Guess it's from the book "How to win a stupid prize by self-promoting to Muted in fastest way possible"
replied 1706d
Guess it's from the book: How to get rid of followers that do not really care about your content but keep hate spamming you...
replied 1707d
I actually haven't seen who has been liking their own posts so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
replied 1707d
Check out guy, some of his posts he liked 100 times lol, created a shit load of accounts as followers too !! Guy is delusional.
replied 1707d
Ah, I already muted him long ago.
replied 1707d
Yeah he has completely lost consistency. Probably going full BitcoinCobra so he launches own altcoin.
replied 1706d
You are close but still don't realise the true reason.
replied 1707d
You pay for the "like" transaction obviously, but remember the rest of the "payment" goes back to your wallet.