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replied 1039d
| children. Secret service will finally start to monitor these homosexual groups, and if they share their toughts to minors, they can get long years of prison and forced labor. |

Initially, i opposed this law, because everyone has the right to their own sexuality, but we can see these people are super dangerous, its good if they get below the close| inspection of the secret service.
replied 1039d
I do not think culture plays that big a role in the average persons sexuality. The idea that sexuality is an 'ideology' that gets 'passed on' seems strange to me.
replied 1039d
Do you really think that it can be enforced?

Sounds like more tax payer money distributed to cronies for nonsensical reasons.

The root of the issue is lack of parenting.
replied 1039d
Corporations advertising with these rainbow pictures would be blocked from accessing market. And those are the threat to the society. But it will indeed not work on individual levels.