A fear of strangers or foreigners.
A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.
So are you
| not scared of strangers of they are not vaccinated, not masked, or not carrying a fashy passport?
Also, inb4 "you have to be racist to be xenophobic/fascist" the progressives are| extremely racist, teach "Critical Race Theory" in schools, support modes of racial segregation, and hate whites and discriminates other races.
So by the definition it would be a fear of outsiders. Fascism is about strong patriotism, and fear, or distrust, of outsiders. Not so much people within the nation unless they are seen| as unpatriotic. Now while both sides of extremists have ways of hating those not supporting the cause this does not make communists into fascists. The two hate eachother as they are| both extremists of opposite sides.
SJW's are annoying, but they are not represented by anyone in power. They may get pandered to a bit, but that is all. Yes racism and sexism are| bad, and being a bit progressive is good. In the end who cares what other people do with their freedom. The radicals on the left have less sway than people have been lead to believe.In the end though there is no politics involved with Covid, or the vaccines. The real facts are that the vaccines are safe, and everyone should get vaccinated. The fears are irrational
Congress has politicized it so they could make big $ off of it. Have you done ANY research or even paid attention to ANY news talking about THAT? How could you say this at all?
They have spent a ton of money, not made money. Nothing you are saying is backed up if you actually looked into any of this. You are just believing whatever you are told by liars.
That is all of your research? I've listened to multiple experts opinions on the revolutionary new tech. Considering how it works it's actually far easier to trust it's safety.
In reality they tried to cover it up until they lost control of it. They already made all the masks. They published the genome in January when it went publicThat does not make it political. The virus is a fact.
It's a very easily spread. That is why it is such a problem. The vaccine will make people's bodies more prepared for it and reduce hospitalisations and save the healthcare industry.
I am not the one in my bubble. Believing this is politicized means you have not looked out at the world. What you are calling research is just confirmation bias, and not real research.
Nobody knows the long term effects of them because they've never made a vaccine in this manner before. In theory is ok, but another theory says they'll alter your DNA!
It's pretty well understood what this can do. There is no real chance of some horrible long term effects. Any such one in a million case will matter far less than Covid.
I know how it is made. It is a great new way to easily produce vaccines. It has no way to cause the problems some people imagine. Science is not magic. The outcome and a not random.