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replied 904d
20yrs ago.. 'While the shortcomings of AOLs, private network are hard to miss, the alternative of a fully decentralized web with no authority raise far more concerns than it addresses'
replied 904d
There is an argument boiling that
politicos and ivory tower people have lost the plot altogether.
The problem being that debating with them is like talking to a broken window.
replied 904d
My suspicion, which i’ve heard repeated by far more leaned folk than myself, is that we are now 1 academic generation into when this all began…
replied 903d
That correlates well with my observation.
When I went to Uni, as a "mature" student, I noticed the trend away from reality.
Professors in that day seemed to regard science as "done".
replied 904d
that is to say, the ‘life span’ from student to top academic is about 20yrs or so. It was about 20yrs ago that we started to see the ‘politicisation of everything’ begin…
replied 902d
This whole discussion has been very good. My opinion though, is that it is just as good or better to trace the start of this to embrace of feminism in political circles.
replied 902d
It contains the "oppressor vs oppressed" narrative, the take from those who created and give to those who are theoretically oppressed idea, the feelings > facts narrative, and so on.
replied 902d
And since most women embraced it in part and the demands were so unrealistic, they couldn't keep those demands and also attack similar more crazy demands from others with straight face
replied 902d
So now the men were being told to shut up, and the women didn't dare speak up for fear of losing their ill gained privileges, a recipe for this very disaster.
replied 903d
Beginning in the late 1980s there were only pockets of the kinds of creatures we see now.
They existed but were not yet movements.
Now we have entire communities of monsters.
replied 904d
Ergo, those who have never set foot outside of their ivory towers are now the ones ‘in charge’.
replied 903d
That I saw in action bothered me immensely,
as my occupation required real work.
Seeing 'worshiped professors' being hatched by 'virgin birth' levels of experience was nauseating.
replied 903d
Apt analogy. Western universities grew out of theological institutions focused on teaching doctrine. They are now returning to their roots, albeit with a new doctrine.
replied 903d
A doctrine laid out in books only approved by people we never can find.