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created poll 1410d
#Covid19 came from...
natural mutation that lead to animal to human transmission 4 votes · 0 satoshis
Wuhan biolab 3 votes · 777 satoshis
I don't know 3 votes · 0 satoshis


replied 1410d
replied 1410d
Someone lewded 血いすう蝙蝠さん from kemono friends.
replied 1410d
replied 1410d
Most will think im crazy and wrong.
I think its intentional and sprayed in the skies ,chemtrails.
Strange how Bill G is also into geoengineering and blocking the suns rays.
replied 1410d
Sorry but from all theorys chemtrails as general have minimum sense.
replied 1410d
ive been researching chemtrails for a while, ive left plenty of evidence on my earlier posts here, look into more yourself. Its real, Google silver iodide is sprayed into skies.
replied 1410d
Geoengineering will become necessary soon due to decade of inaction against climate change.
replied 1410d
replied 1410d
When I 1st heard about the plan to block out the sun instead of dealing with our relentless pollution, consumerism and population overshoot I cringed more than on any occasions before.
replied 1410d
replied 1410d
China implemented a 1 child policy too control the population they are communists, is Twatter a commie?
replied 1410d
Are you drunk again?
replied 1410d
And also I know you are a spy.
replied 1410d
Truly hilarious. Quit drinking alcohol you idiot.
replied 1410d
i Sam part of the sockgang?..hmmm...i think its very likely.
replied 1410d
Simple math would have made you realize that Bill Gates was trolling you. You would need a 1thousand mile wide shield half way between the Earth and the Sun, too block 1% of the Sun.
replied 1410d
replied 1410d
no point replying to jekyll..or is this account hyde lol
replied 1410d
Yeah let's have planes fly around polluting the air all day spraying dust, sounds counter productive does it now?
replied 1410d
Not really, do your research about it.
replied 1410d
Having said that, personally I don't endorse or support such climate modification efforts.
replied 1410d
And this statement is only partially true. Obviously you could block the Sun if the light barrier was closer but it would still have too be really freaking big.
replied 1410d
Uther talking to himself using his sockpuppet account...

Truly comical (or sad?)....I'm not sure yet.
replied 1410d
lols i was thinking the same.
I said here years ago, argue with your own sock to make it seem was a joke..never knew some people would actually do it lol
replied 1409d
Sent you an email.... law...
replied 1409d
Is pumperitis the one law sanctuary bregecko??
replied 1409d
replied 1410d
I am not arguing with my self lol.
replied 1410d
Look I switch browsers frequently, I am not talking too my self, and Twatter is spying on people
replied 1410d
It is not an "instead", it is an "as well." We need geoengineering as well as reductions in pollution. Population control is not important at all though.

Geoengineering > Eugenics.
replied 1410d
Nobody cares about your opinion, statist scum.
replied 1410d
Its anarchists who are ignored, not statists.

It is not my opinion. It is an objective fact.
replied 1410d
replied 1410d
how the fk did you end up in BCH!
seriously you think the opposite from almost everyone here.
We do not need Geoengineering > Eugenics by BG and Co.
replied 1410d
I ended up following BCH because it proposed a smarter development path. Sadly the anarchists are too loud to male the wider market take BCH seriously.
replied 1410d
"sAdLy tEh aNaRcHiSts aAre toU lOod tO mAlELe teH wIdAr mArKeT taKaE bCh sErIoOsly!!!!" - Retarded statist scum SilentSam
replied 1410d
replied 1410d
Governments can't control the temperature.
replied 1410d
That said business can do more than governments. Just look at what Elon is doing with Tesla. They are the front line in the fight against climate change.
replied 1410d
"Just look at what Elon is doing with Tesla."

You mean selling carbon credits to companies that continue polluting?

Sam, you are even more retarded than I originally assumed.
replied 1410d
Humanity can affect the temperature/global climate. We already have been geoengineering, now we just need to do it in a beneficial way instead of a destructive way.
replied 1410d
lol yea right...vidteks
Govs dont need to, but do.
Thing is anyone with plenty of money can.
replied 1410d
Vidtechs? What is that strange new word the mids are using?
replied 1410d
Vidteks,ignis,jungle jape,ma junior,uthers and a few other names all the same user here on Memo.
replied 1410d
You're an idiot, I am not vidteks or ignis
replied 1410d
And I am sorry for calling you an idiot, but your statement made me angry...
replied 1410d
A random mutation or a random lab accident. It’s all random. Random random potato.
Calm_down_stupid 1Ewniz
replied 1410d
Can figure out how it started after the world found a way to eradicate it, unfortunately a % of the world are fucking morons who think they know better.
replied 1410d
I think it will be like the flu, no way to eradicate it meaningfully.