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Calm_down_stupid 15kFCL
Wowser, just spent ages and about 50k sat cleaning up my tokens (sending to bitcoineater)

Maybe a hide function on memo ? Just click on a token to have a option to hide it from your list of tokens ??
replied 1988d
A "favorite" tokens feature is planned. Then only tokens you've favorited will show up.
replied 1988d
This is a great solution, good idea
replied 1988d
I've created this account to dump shit-tokens:
replied 1988d
Due to bugs, it's more efficient if you tip them away rather than sending them if you don't want to bother with wallets and importing your priv keys into them.
replied 1988d
What bugs?
replied 1988d
you could .... find an old phone... download a wallet... send the tokens over... and "forget" about them...