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sent · 555 sats 816d
Hope you like it sir

replied 816d
That's very kind of you Kayie, thank you.
replied 816d
You wanr to tip my art so i buy another set of my art materials Sir 🙂 I want to draw again
I only need 15 sir to buy my art materials 😊 Thankyou 😍
replied 816d
I want to draw many of these to let you know that im always thankful for your kindness to me ☺️
replied 816d
You wanr to tip my art so i buy another set of my art materials Sir 🙂 I want to draw again
I only need 15$ sir to buy my art materials 😊 Thankyou 😍
replied 816d
I want to draw so many that i can so you know that i always thankful to you sir for helping me here always .