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Memo is good because it's uncensorable. But what else? Yes we can tip each other, but how would someone really monetize being here? Is altruism the only way? Where's the economic incentive? #dailymemo
replied 1975d
I use Memo primarily for notarizing stuff. The conversation and market features are an added bonus.

I've supported moving serious protocol discussion to Memo, still think it's better.
replied 1976d
For me, memo isn't about earning. I see it as a privilege to be able to trade tokens or posts here. I also like to pay some sats for it.
replied 1976d
I also have to pay for using Netflix, but it's much less fun and I don't know who I'm paying to.
replied 1975d
Besides, I love to tip.
replied 1976d
Memo is a good site to meet people with or people who know people with crypto businesses, from time to time I get work off here though not as frequent as it used to be pre fork
replied 1976d
I just like chatting with frens and sending/receiving sats/slp tokens. I’m going to make blueberry pancakes for everyone when bch explodes in value again.
replied 1976d
You get extra berries in yours, samurai.
replied 1976d
Yep, had a trade IRL with TheLegendaryTwatter - seen offers here to make portraits by Julia Williams, etc.
replied 1976d
I see plenty. & I'm new- Way better than ever so popular faucets. Share ideas with some of the greatest minds of crypto. Real world platform 2 test ideas. Diversity for perspective....
replied 1976d
Should I make a complete list? Think I will ....;)
replied 1970d
You get instant tips for posting like any other social media! Enough said. Although, it does need more features to compete and than #Memo will takeover!
replied 1970d
replied 1975d
Ads could pay per views like on YT.