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replied 1888d
If nukes are the almighty fear inducer why didn’t US just nuke Al Qaeda or Taliban controlled cities in Afghanistan? Or ISIL controlled cities in Syria?
replied 1887d
Looks like I just need to call out exxtra or 4chan for being full of shit to start a stress test lol. Sorry I triggered you, but this is all idiotic conjecture, and blatantly false
replied 1887d
I’ve posted many memos at once as replies since I started on memo. You’re not special, snowflake.
replied 1887d
I'm not saying I am, I was suggesting that anyone could call out you or 4chan for being full of shit to start a stress test lol. Found any basement-dwelling sources on nukes yet?
replied 1887d
"Looks like *I* just need to" "Sorry *I* triggered you" glad you know you're not special.
replied 1887d
Yes, using nukes to control rebels is “idiotic conjecture, and blatantly false.”
replied 1887d
Criminals don't shoot a hostage and then make demands, your refusal to see I was talking about fear of nukes controlling populations shows how little you've thought about this
replied 1887d
they dont create fear if they cant be used...
replied 1887d
Yes, it is lol. Which is why I never proposed it, you did. And it certainly worked at scaring the Japanese into cooperating. Is this the kind of fake news garbage on 4chan these days?
replied 1887d
“You *can* control a population with just those things too, using a little something called fear”. Yeah, Japan…another nation state. Nukes keep nation-states inline. They dont
replied 1887d
Another stress test!! Thanks Exxtra! You're one easily-triggered snowflake, thanks for the lulz
replied 1886d
4 txns is a stress test? What kind of cripple coin do you think memo is built on, BTC? BCH can handle millions of txns per day.
replied 1886d
You're too much fun to trigger dude, you should send some more far-right memes, those really show off your high IQ lol. Got any nuke or pizzagate fanfics from the chanbots today?
replied 1885d
for someone above it all you are suspiciously familiar with 4chan shibboleths…
replied 1887d
help when fighting rebels. They weren’t used (or useful) in fighting or influencing (with fear!) the pops in Vietnam, Korea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.
replied 1888d
You know, to force the people in neighboring cities to be “hella” attentive & cower in fear & achieve power and control of the region.
replied 1888d
Not to mention, rebel groups dont just all clump together in a convenient city away from valuable targets or civilians…