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1698d · Favorite Quotes
"A Lion hunts best when its hungry" - survival instincts
replied 1697d
Same is true for humans. My ambition to work is much higher with an empty stomache. I think it's not because I am hungry, it is more that my organism can focus the energy on work.
replied 1697d
I can forget about being hot or cold when working but I can't even think straight when I'm hungry.
replied 1697d
It is all mental, you have been programmed to believe that eating 3 times per day is important. But actually eating 1 or 2 times is way more natural, heals from inside & saves energy.
replied 1697d
I eat when I'm hungry- sometimes not then. I eat till I'm full. Varies. Used to be I ate every few hours. Now from once a day to 5 tiny meals. Stomach shrunk from actually starving.