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sent · 600 sats 1539d
Found a type on the Faucet page - "Faucet is temporarily empty. Go by some SOUR..."

Go "buy" some...
replied 1539d
Pls donate, I contribute nothing to the space, but I stop in every room to say good morning to beg for sats. Help me, me grandma needs sandwiches and medicine. Think of the children!!
replied 1539d
Faucet is down 😂😂😂
I always miss the airdrop 😍😍😍
May your dreams come true, god bless 🙏🙏🙏

I hope I get enough sats for a whole BCH one day.
replied 1539d
Seriously though, am I doing it right?
replied 1539d
Based on the amount of tips you received you're doing it wrong.

I recommend setting a female semi or fully nude pic as a profile pic.
replied 1539d
Ms.Brockwell, if you read this, kindly take lewd selfies to leverage my begging business; I’ll return the favor with imitation spice tokens.
replied 1539d
lol it was late when I added that, thanks!