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Good night, greedy little fucktards.


replied 1839d
haha. got out before the drop :D learned the lesson last year :D
replied 1839d
I am too lazy. I just buy when it looks cheap and then spend->replace and hodl combination.
replied 1838d
Thank you for making the market more stable 😀
replied 1838d
The goal is never having to cash out
replied 1838d
replied 1838d
That's pretty my strategy.
replied 1838d
This thing is going to crash anytime.
replied 1838d
what do you base that on? Some TA?
replied 1838d
Collection of research. What do you think?
replied 1837d
Just curious. I don't really know 😀 I wait a little bit and see what happens.
replied 1839d
Timing the market is not easy...
replied 1839d
Trying to time the market is idiotic.

Fuck the speculators.
replied 1838d
Sometimes it is. But a correction is quite obvious after such pump