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1160d · Christianity
Fuck all religions.
replied 1159d
You are painting with a mighty broad brush here. I would think it takes more than a lifetime just to know all religions. Surely you cannot know that they all have bad influence on us
replied 1159d
In my view, all religions are cancer and detrimental to the progress of humanity.
replied 1159d
replied 1159d
It is easy to guess, especially about religions you know, hard to be sure, especially about the ones you do not know. Some effects of a thing can be difficult to foresee.
replied 1160d
I dont mind folks believing in invisible beings as long as it doesn't make them violent. Problem with the cult of statist is that their believe in a social contract makes them violent
replied 1159d
Violence is not the only problem. They can force you to live by rules that are not yours. If you don't do it, you have to accept disadvantages. Pay fines, e.t.c. In the worst case,
replied 1159d
| imprisonment or even death (which is of course violence).
replied 1159d
That's mob rule (or democracy). If your society is made out of Marxists who are atheist too and you're the only entrepreneur in town than you have a problem as well
replied 1160d
Statism is one of the worst religions, which is no small feat considering the existence of islam and chirstianity.
replied 1157d
Of the three,
Statism is the absolute worst religion.
This can be quantified by the amount of requirements to harm others.
Christianity, a distant third place, still ranks.
replied 1156d
An dof course Statism and Christianity are not mutually exclusive; indeed, they are often correlated
replied 1156d
Any religion, unempowered by State,
or State, unabbeted by religion,
is an anemic entity.
In bed together they spawn the kinds of hells
only prophets can accurately describe.
replied 1156d
Alan Watt discusses the horrors of the State as a religion [2007]
replied 1159d
I'm surrounded by Muslims daily 'cause they populate 90% of my hood but I don't feel threatened by them but my Muslim neighbor & I have a lack of safety in common when police passes by
replied 1160d
Yeah, it really is an old animal instinct we need to move beyond.
replied 1160d
Your effigy ties the living room together though. Cant I just stop praying to it?