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replied 1227d
In today’s world, not having your face, fingerprints and DNA in a database somewhere is basically a superpower. You become a ghost human (like a “ghost gun”)
replied 1227d
Try this: not bringing your Android/IOS based personal tracking device with yourself, or not having internet and wifi on it.
replied 1227d
I own a Ghost Phone
replied 1227d
Your government already have all of that.
replied 1227d
It's how I was raised. Never to give out info, take selfies, share unnecessary details about myself, etc. Heck selfies didn't exist when I was a kid. As each new tech came along I was
replied 1227d
| steered away from using it in ways that could be dangerous. These days I keep my Mom from doing the same. Strange most parents let their kids on sharing sites these days.
replied 1227d
I think you are paranoid. Children should be protected under legal obligation but limiting somebody from cyber world is just Stone Age -&this is from a person w/ flip phone 🤣
replied 1227d
I don’t think anyone gives a rat ass about your selfie, but if you chose not to be online active that’s your choice.