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replied 805d
Have you even read through those reports yourself for more than just a few? Untl you do that YOU really don't know what you're talking about seriously.....
replied 805d
Or is your ego so overly protective of your belief system that it won't even allow you to do that?
Also, aout Africa.... Where are you getting your information from? TV news LOL
replied 805d
Yes, and VAERS does not fit that description at all. Many of the reports are serious, but the data is contaminated by erroneous reports. There is no verification of the reports.
replied 805d
Many things reported to VAERS are minor allergic reactions. There are also many unrelated issues reported to VAERS only because they happened the day of vaccination.
replied 805d
Even to the extreme end where a man's gun shot wound to the chest was reported to VAERS because it happened the day the man was vaccinated.
replied 805d
These things can be verified, and when it matters it likely is verified, but simply being on VAERS doesn't mean much.