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replied 1374d
Niiice. Mineable tokens were released while I was on vacay, I still need to test those out
replied 1374d
I would just use Blue's Mist miner. I had tinkered around with the blockparty_sh miner for a lil over a week any never got it working.
Got Blue's working overnight.
replied 1374d
Ok thanks, I'll definitely try that one first. I'm guessing the movie wasn't outstanding since you haven't mentioned it lol
replied 1374d
Maybe for children but no I wasn't a fan lmao.
Everything seemed childish. Even the outfits looked more like a cosplay than an "actual superhero" costume.
replied 1374d
Have you ever watched the actors wearing the styrofoam in pre-CGI scenes? I liked the first Iron Man, but it ruined every subsequent movie for me after watching that lol
replied 1374d
lmao I have not. You got a link?
replied 1374d
Be forewarned, it is aggressively lame lol

This isn't even the best one, I think Avengers 1 had a goofier bts, can't find it on Youtube rn though
replied 1374d
Link was supposed to start at ~3:00