I don't understand though, wouldn't the bad actor need your private keys or something to empty your wallet? Forgive the superficial understanding, I don't see how it's possible.
Yes, the theory is that they may have acquired them via browser cookies or something else in browser addons per Geri's post. It is unknown if Memo itself has a exploit.
Shadowman, AKA zemus, AKA LordSwole reporting in. Thanks for taking what’s mine. These acts put you in karmic debt that will follow you long after the moneys spent.
I've just moved most of my Beers lol ( along with other better known tokens) spice trader warned tokens got burned and looking at the fraymor account on explorer that seems the case
Depends on the person I guess but while there a threat of Simone stealing funds the lower the better so if they do get access to your coin the less the theiving tossers get.