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replied 1517d
I was active in Steem three years ago. With any crypto social networks something like that happens. Why? Because we are living in an unequal world with oppressed economies
replied 1517d
I know we live in an unequal world. I know that it is unfair and I know that it is not the fault of these people that they have to live in poverty. And I have already donated Bitcoin
replied 1517d
Cash several times, but I would rather do it on EatBCH than here. And if I tipped here on honest or on, it was for posts that were written interestingly and with photos.
replied 1517d
I offered some BCH to finish the Brazilian Portoguese translation of Electron Cash instead of giving it away "for free"
replied 1517d
That's exactly right. People must have the opportunity to earn BCH instead of begging. Earning money gives back dignity to the destitute.
replied 1517d
Yes but we didn't do a good job. Ten years since the creation of Bitcoin and still not a solid job market for it. Let's focus on creating that rather than sending people away
replied 1517d
Bitcoin alone is not enough to create a job market. Openbazaar is a very important step in the right direction.
replied 1516d
Good Bro, Thank you for the tip, I didn't know that I could post about it on, I will do it, and I didn't know about EatBCH. Thank you for this information.
replied 1517d
Shit happens in life, if it happens to you does your pride allow you to go to a platform called EatBCH? We need to provide opportunities so no one need to ask for help.
replied 1517d
But it's not ready yet. I'm all in yo help build those opportunities and I started. Until then let's no be exclusive to those who couldn't get the opportunities they deserve.
replied 1517d
The solution is not to encourage elitist mentality and let those from oppressed economies go with peer pressure. The whole point of BCH is to stand in front of core mentality that ...
replied 1517d
Bitcoin is not for poor people. It's against freedom of participation.
replied 1517d
Your concern is still legit, it attracts those who seek easy money. But it also enables BCH to do what it's created for. To make peer to peer electronic cash meaningful.