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replied 2043d
Experts say there is a better chance that it blows up in your hand than hitting your target.
replied 2043d

Doesn't seem like the experts got this one right. Do you own a gun?
replied 2042d
Nice video, but they don't use the average ABS/PLA 3D printer. They use metal so the results are comparable to real guns.
replied 2042d
Thats true but they will get cheaper with time.
replied 2042d
Sounds like you are a douche. Do you own a clean stream? High end printers work better, but the average person couldn't afford it, and it's cheaper to just go buy a gun.
replied 2042d
For now. These printers will get cheaper. Your comments show you know nothing of guns. Just like any gun control freak.
replied 2042d
No your comments show you haven't done any research of plastic guns other than 1 youtube video. And I doubt the prices will come down. They will never be a common household use item.
replied 2042d
Maybe a .22lr is a wise choice, nothing larger.