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1671d · Collapse impacts of global food shortages expected to be catastrophic by 2040
replied 1671d
Thats why we’re eating bugs and soon to be rat burgers like they had in demolition man.
replied 1670d
The peasants are
replied 1670d
food shortage predictions is going around for 2k yrs but never came true. Every time there was a need people invented machines to produce more food so don't worry, believe in inventors
replied 1671d
We had an event for the football team with pre-made sandwiches, individually wrapped, and tossed like 50 of them; most folks shrug, but I’ll always remember how Wasteful it was.
replied 1671d
One thing we have to do is find ways to stop wasting so much shit. I worked in catering once, at my university, where it was policy that surplus food couldn’t be donated 1/2.
replied 1670d
the buckets are from a bakery that was going to throw them out, growing sunchokes (related to sunflowers but more like a potato) anyone can do this
replied 1669d
First time I hear about sunchokes!
replied 1669d
if you plant them in the ground they take over and kill the other plants so buckets are good for them, also no digging up the ground to get them, just dump the bucket