Create account

replied 1279d
I found that you have got an UTXO w/ 130,362 sats in you account,,is_spent(false)#If you only write posts or tip small amount of sats, you will face the 0-conf transaction ancestors limitation problem, because will always create txs w/ that UTXO and its children UTXOs. In current version of Bitcoin Cash protocol, the ancestor limitation is 50.Thus you can send at most 50 memo transactions before next block confirmed.In my account, there are several UTXOs, each w/ about 244,000 sats.,is_spent(false)#So I hardly facing the ancestor limitation problem.
replied 1279d
Yeah it was weird I think a block had been confirmed but they were still stuck. I might have been impatient too.
replied 1279d
There are some miners who won't confirm any transactions into the block, such as this f**king miner.