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I'm happy to announce that after months of research and work, my Flipstarter crowdfunding campaign is ready to be presented to #BitcoinCash community ✌🏼
replied 1262d
Exciting work. Nice to see has a good use case implementation.
replied 1262d
Thank you, yes that's one of the reasons I built Signup to make apps like this possible.
replied 1263d
Your post was remembered in topic Flipstarter
replied 1262d
Thanks was looking for it!
replied 1254d
Anyone else having problems visiting this flipstarter page? Was it moved? completed?
replied 1254d
replied 1254d
Oh that’s a shame. I was waiting for min amount to come down. Maybe bad timing with everyone focused on the fork?
replied 1254d
Maybe, but I'm not running it again so that project is cancelled. I still continue improving tho
replied 1263d
"Stackk is a decentralized and federated social network"
Decentralized != federated. P2P != hub-and-spoke.
The two are similar in that there is not a single server. That's all.
replied 1263d
Decentralized in governance and federated in data layer. It's specified in the slides and the whitepaper.
replied 1262d
There are actual decentralized data layers available. Why bother implementing a half-solution?
replied 1262d
replied 1262d
replied 1262d
There's no extra value with it since someone still has to pin thr files but comes with lots of limitations. You can't run a livestream with IPFS for example